Organizing Data
Menu location: Data_Organizing.
- SORT (sort data within selected worksheet ranges or create sorted variables)
- ROTATE (rotate a selected block of data so the rows become columns and vice versa)
- COMBINE (merge columns of data and form a group identifier for the merged column)
- SPLIT (split a merged column of data by its matching group identifier(s))
- DUMMY VARIABLES (create a set of binary dummy variables from a categorical variable in order to use it in regression)
- EXTRACT (extract subsets of data based on search criteria, and optionally transform the values)
- TABULATE (make a two way table of counts from a row and a column variable)
- DETABULATE (expand a table of counts into a row and column variables)
- EXPAND (expand a list of unique observations by numbers of counts)
- CONTRACT (contract a list of observations into unique values and counts)
Data can be grouped into categories, split into columns, combined from columns, extracted as subgroups from larger groupings, tabulated as counts, and expanded from tables of counts using these functions.
See also Crosstabs and Frequencies in the Analysis section.