New Report


The File_New Report menu function starts a new StatsDirect report.


A new report is shown in StatsDirect with a tab labelled "Report x" where x is the number of that report, e.g. x is 1 if the report you have started is the only report open. If you save the report with a file name then the tab attached to the report will be re-labelled with the name you chose to save it with. Tabs are displayed at the top of the StatsDirect window and they look like the tabs you would see in a filing cabinet. If you click on a tab then StatsDirect will display the report or workbook that is attached to it.


You can copy, cut and paste text and graphics between StatsDirect reports and many other Windows applications including Microsoft Word.


StatsDirect report files are rich text files and they are saved with the file name extension .rtf. Rich text format can be read by lots of different word processors and text editors including Microsoft Word and the WordPad application that is part of Windows.