Clear Missing Data
Menu location: Data_Cleaning and Encoding_Clear Missing Data
This function enables you to clear missing data values from a selection of cells, and to optionally preserve the matching of rows in that selection.
For example, you might want to ignore incomplete records. Here, each row is a record for one individual, so you would normally choose to preserve the matching of rows when prompted:
Sex | Age | Score |
1 | 23 | 2.3 |
1 | 33 | 3.1 |
1 | 19 | |
2 | 21 | 1.9 |
2 | 43 | |
2 | 39 | 5.0 |
2 | 26 | 1.1 |
Clearing missing data with the row matching option ON would produce:
Sex | Age | Score |
1 | 23 | 2.3 |
1 | 33 | 3.1 |
2 | 21 | 1.9 |
2 | 39 | 5.0 |
2 | 26 | 1.1 |
…and clearing missing data with the row matching option OFF would produce:
Sex | Age | Score |
1 | 23 | 2.3 |
1 | 33 | 3.1 |
1 | 19 | 1.9 |
2 | 21 | 5.0 |
2 | 43 | 1.1 |
2 | 39 | |
2 | 26 |
StatsDirect treats the following number, characters and text as missing data:
<just spaces>
You may additionally define missing numbers or text codes when prompted. This is often useful when you have been given data with missing values coded in a specific way, e.g. a score of -1 in the example above.