Graphics and Charting


Menu location: Graphics

  • Bar (bars reflecting the relative sizes of observations from different groups)
  • Box and whisker [graphical or text based] (visual representation of data distribution statistics)
  • Spread (visualisation of raw data distribution)
  • Histogram [graphical or text based] (bars reflecting data distribution shape)
  • Control (statistical process control charts)
  • Forest (meta-analysis plots used by Cochrane Collaboration)
  • Error bar (scatter or line plots reflecting the uncertainty of measures on the vertical axis)
  • Ladder (differences between pairs of measurements displayed as rungs of a ladder)
  • Normal (normal scores plotted against the raw variable)
  • Scatter [graphical or text based] (conventional way to show the relation between two variables)
  • Survival (step plots of survivorship or hazard functions)
  • ROC (receiver operating characteristic curves of sensitivity vs. 1-specificity)
  • Population pyramid (visual representation of the age structure of a population)
  • Options (setting the options for the charting functions)


Please note that in addition to the individual graphing functions listed above, plots are also given in regression functions, agreement analysis, survival analysis and meta-analysis.